Email Judge Webster
Email Judge Egan
Email Judge French Mallen
Since 1993
Webster Egan Mallen Mediations
Judge Webster (Ret.), Judge Egan (Ret.) and Judge Mallen (Ret.) together have over 62 years of judicial experience and over 107 years of legal experience, handling all types of civil matters. Webster, Egan and Mallen are widely recognized in the Chicagoland legal arena as skilled and successful mediators, with a shared philosophy in the benefits of voluntary compromise to achieve resolution. They have now joined together and proudly proclaim:
We settle cases!

To schedule a case, please contact:
Judge Hollis Webster (Ret.) 1-630-881-0913 or click here to send Judge Webster an email
Judge Lynn M. Egan (Ret.) 1-708-638-7941 or click here to send Judge Egan an email
Judge Dorothy French Mallen (Ret.) 1-630-661-2653 or click here to send Judge Mallen an email